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American rapper Lil Durk will soon be in Nigeria

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    American rapper and singer, Durk Derrick Banks, popularly known by his stage name Lil Durk has revealed plans to visit Nigeria soon.

    Lil Durk disclosed this on Friday during a question-and-answer session with his fans on Twitter.

    According to him, he is planning of holding a massive concert in the West African country and Nigeria to be precise.

    During the live session, a fan asked him when he would be visiting Nigeria, Ghana, Uganda, and South Africa, and Lil Durk replied that he was looking forward to doing a show in Nigeria.


    Article information

    Author: Regina Patrick

    Last Updated: 1703238482

    Views: 735

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    Author information

    Name: Regina Patrick

    Birthday: 1973-12-09

    Address: USNV Wells, FPO AP 06594

    Phone: +4504675935874148

    Job: Museum Curator

    Hobby: Hiking, Robotics, Hiking, Juggling, Poker, Card Games, Painting

    Introduction: My name is Regina Patrick, I am a accessible, resolute, Precious, candid, forthright, receptive, sincere person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.