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For assaulting a police officer, Kannad MNS MLA was found guilty

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    Harshavardhan Jadhav, MLA from Kannad in Aurangabad district, was Friday convicted by a local court in a 2011 case of assault on a police officer. Jadhav, who won the last election on a Shiv Sena ticket, was sentenced to one-year imprisonment each on two counts and was also slapped a cumulative fine of Rs 10,000.

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    In January 2011, Jadhav, then an MLA from the Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS), got into an altercation with the local police after he allegedly tried to drive into the convoy of then Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan, who was on a visit to the district.

    Jadhav had been booked for trying to ram his vehicle into police officers. He was stopped by sub-inspector Suryakant Kokne, whom the police said he assaulted.

    Jadhav, on his part, had claimed he was ‘beaten up mercilessly’ by the police after his arrest.

    A video was also released, which showed Jadhav purportedly unable to walk because of the beating and complaining to reporters about being assaulted by police officers.

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    Jadhav had been miffed with the MNS for not raising this issue with the government and had subsequently resigned from the party.

    While he won the 2014 election on a Shiv Sena ticket, he had a tiff there too and submitted his resignation. However, the party is yet to accept it.

    Jadhav is the son-in-law of BJP state president Raosaheb Danve. He is expected to challenge the court’s verdict against him.


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    Author: Virginia Singleton

    Last Updated: 1703444161

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    Name: Virginia Singleton

    Birthday: 1968-08-23

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    Introduction: My name is Virginia Singleton, I am a rich, esteemed, treasured, intrepid, Colorful, risk-taking, talented person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.