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The Top 3 Cryptocurrencies to Purchase Right Now That Could Rise in December

Buying early is the key to securing high rewards in any financial market.

In this article, we will take a look at the three best cryptocurrencies to buy now that have large growth potential in December amid the ultimate crypto bull run of 2024.

As you will notice, the three cryptocurrencies we have hand-picked belong to the low-cap categories. Since high-cap assets like BTC, ETH, SOL, and XRP are highly saturated, they don’t have much room for price appreciation.

Promising new cryptocurrencies with low initial market caps, on the other hand, can generate multifold returns for early investors as they expand their user base and audience.

1. Bitcoin Minetrix ($BTCMTX)

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The first cryptocurrency that will make an excellent investment now is Bitcoin Minetrix ($BTCMTX).

The ongoing presale of $BTCMTX tokens has crossed the $4M milestone in a short time. The growing influx of investors to the presale suggests that it is poised for an early sell-out ahead of schedule.

What’s behind the mounting FOMO around the project?

Bitcoin Minetrix is a new cloud mining project distinguished by its innovative value propositions. The project offers an intuitive stake-to-mine dashboard, unlike anything seen before in the market.

Big news! 📢#BitcoinMinetrix proudly announces a colossal accomplishment, more than $4,000,000 raised! 🪙 pic.twitter.com/neW7VEgkjJ

— Bitcoinminetrix (@bitcoinminetrix) November 16, 2023

It sets itself apart by empowering users to effortlessly earn passive income. The stream of income is bitcoin mining, but not directly. The platform allows users to earn BTC mining rewards without going through all the hassles attached to it. There is no initial hardware investment, contractual obligations, or technical demands.

All you need to do is stake your $BTCMTX tokens in the stake-to-mine dashboard, and you’re good to go.

$BTCMTX holds significant promise for retail crypto investors. The fact is that traditional Bitcoin mining poses substantial technical and financial barriers, but existing cloud mining platforms are not much better as far as a retail investor is concerned.

Cloud mining platforms are challenging in their own ways. Moreover, the space is crowded with scams and frauds.

Bitcoin Minetrix steps in to streamline this process. The stake-to-mine dashboard on Bitcoin Minetrix allows users to earn mining rewards simply by purchasing and staking $BTCMTX tokens. In exchange, users acquire BTC mining credits in return.

The credits are distributed as non-transferable ERC-20 tokens to secure the process. Being non-transferable in nature, the mining credits remove the chances of hacks and thefts.

With the price of BTC set to climb to $100,000 in the coming days, Bitcoin Minetrix is one of the most promising cryptocurrencies of 2023. It is also a leading contender for a Binance listing, which could take the price further up the charts.


2. Bitcoin ETF Token ($BTCETF)

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The next token on our list of the best cryptocurrencies to buy before the December bull run is Bitcoin ETF Token ($BTCETF).

Similar to Bitcoin Mintetrix, the growing traffic to the $BTCETF presale suggests that it is heading toward explosive price action. The project is gaining rapid popularity within a short span.

The token focuses on capitalizing on the potential approval of Bitcoin spot ETFs, utilizing innovative strategies and DeFi mechanisms for its long-term sustainability and relevance.

The value propositions of the project are deeply entwined with the future trajectory of Bitcoin. It incorporates stake-to-earn features, a burn protocol linked to real-world events, and a sell tax mechanism to shape its price dynamics.

$BTCETF is swiftly gaining the trust and confidence of investors, particularly amid widespread media coverage fueled by wild Bitcoin price predictions.

The most interesting feature of $BTCETF is its unique roadmap with predetermined milestones. The milestone, as shown below, will lead to the implementation of a 5% burn of the token supply, thereby introducing scarcity to its ecosystem.

Grayscale’s move with an $ETH futures #ETF might be a chess play to secure a spot for an #EthereumETF approval.

Bloomberg’s analyst James Seyffart sees it as a ‘trojan horse’ tactic.

How do you perceive this regulatory chess match?#BTCETF has also now raised over $800K!🚀 pic.twitter.com/DW2DclMzOu

— BTCETF_Token (@BTCETF_Token) November 16, 2023

Of the total 2.1 billion tokens, 25% of the tokens will gradually be removed over time, creative scarcity in the supply.

$BTCETF also implements a stake-to-earn mechanism, allocating 25% of the token supply for staking rewards. Another interesting feature of the platform when it comes to supporting the price dynamics is sell tax starting at 5%.

It gradually decreases by 1% with each milestone achieved. The taxed amount is burnt as well.


3. Meme Kombat ($MK)

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We wrap up this list with Meme Kombat ($MK), a project that could be the ultimate meme coin bet for 2024.

Embracing a meme coin essence, Meme Kombat is predicted to undergo a potential surge on its upcoming exchange launch. But $MK is not solely confined to the meme coin category. It is also a play-to-earn platform where AI-driven virtual battles are hosted between beloved meme characters.

MK holders can bet on the outcomes of these battles to earn attractive rewards.

The inaugural season of Meme Kombat, set to commence post-presale, will feature engaging battles involving 11 popular meme personas.

This unique GambleFi concept behind the project has garnered it the attention of trading influencers like Crypto Whale Pumps and Michael Wrubel.

The attractive 112% staking APY right from the presale stage further motivates investors to flock to the presale.


Disclaimer: The article is provided for educational purposes only. It does not represent the opinions of NewsBTC on whether to buy, sell or hold any investments and naturally investing carries risks. You are advised to conduct your own research before making any investment decisions. Use information provided on this website entirely at your own risk.


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Author: Michael Campbell

Last Updated: 1704514803

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Name: Michael Campbell

Birthday: 1915-04-14

Address: 82860 Penny Mill Suite 995, Kristinfurt, ME 82569

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Job: Orthodontist

Hobby: Wine Tasting, Role-Playing Games, Metalworking, Graphic Design, Amateur Radio, Bird Watching, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Michael Campbell, I am a resolved, enterprising, apt, multicolored, priceless, lively, accomplished person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.