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There are seven nations that are prohibited from participating in the FIFA World Cup

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    Only seven countries have been banned from participating in the FIFA World Cup in the history of the game.

    During the 2022 edition in Qatar, Lionel Messi reached the pinnacle of football after he inspired Argentine to World Cup glory.

    In what was a pulsating final Argentina and France drew 3-3 after 120 minutes, with the South Americans winning 4-2 via a tense penalty shootout.

    Here are the seven teams that have been banned from the World Cup.

    Germany and Japan - 1950 World Cup

    After the 1942 and 1946 editions of the World Cup were cancelled due to World War II, the tournament returned in 1950.

    But Germany and Japan were not allowed to be involved due to the result of the second World War.

    Uruguay were the winners, with Brazil second, Sweden third and Spain fourth.

    South Africa - 1970 - 1990 World Cup

    During the apartheid in South Africa, they were faced with multiple international boycotts. FIFA had suspended them in 1963, and eventually expelled in 1976.

    South Africa are the last African country to host the tournament, having hosted the 2010 edition.

    Mexico - 1990 World Cup

    Mexico were banned for two years by FIFA after they fielded four players that were above the age limit.

    The incident happened during the qualifying round of the world junior tournament.

    The 1990 World Cup was won by West Germany, having they beat Argentina in the final. Italy and England were third and fourth respectively.

    Image Credit: Getty
    Image Credit: Getty

    Chile - 1994 World Cup

    Chilean keeper Roberto Rojas pretended to be hurt by a flare thrown by a fan during his country’s clash against Brazil in 1989.

    In truth, he used a hidden blade in his glove to cut himself, as a result, FIFA banned Chile from the 1994 tournament. Rojas was banned for life.

    Myanmar - 2006 World Cup

    Myanmar pulled out of a qualifying match for the 2002 World Cup which was scheduled to be played in Iran.

    They were fined 23,500 dollars by FIFA and were banned from the 2006 edition of the tournament, which was held in Germany.

    Russia - 2022 World Cup

    After their invasion of Ukraine, they were condemned by many countries around the globe.

    FIFA decided the Russia football team were to be banned from participating in the Qatar World Cup.

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