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Ways to modify your nickname and username on TikTok

TikTok has become one of the most popular mobile apps, with over 1 billion users worldwide. Every day, new and ever weirder trends and hashtags are going viral. Therefore, you may want to update your username to fit the latest niche or better suit your personality. Here’s how to change your name on TikTok.

Read more: Ten best TikTok alternatives and apps for Android


To change your TikTok name, tap Profile in the bottom right, then tap Edit profile.


Your names on TikTok

VIDEO: How To Change Name On Tiktok! (2022)
LoFi Alpaca

There are two types of names on TikTok: Your username and your nickname. A username is the @handle other TikTok users can use to find your profile or tag you in videos. A nickname is an alias visible at the top of your profile, so others know what to call you.

While a username must be unique to one TikTok account, users can share the same nickname. Fortunately, you can change both, and the steps are the same no matter which device you use.

How to change your TikTok username

Tap Profile from the bottom right corner and Edit Profile from your account page.

profile TikTok

Adam Birney / Android Authority

Tap on Username.

edit username TikTok

Adam Birney / Android Authority

Lastly, enter your desired username to see if it’s available. If it is, you’ll see a green checkmark beside the name.

change username TikTok

Adam Birney / Android Authority

It’s important to note that you can only change your username once every 30 days. Also, your username can only contain letters, numbers, underscores, and periods. However, you can’t place periods at the end of the username.

How to change your TikTok nickname

Tap Profile from the bottom right of the screen, then tap Edit Profile on your account page.

profile TikTok

Adam Birney / Android Authority

Tap on Name.

edit name TikTok

Adam Birney / Android Authority

Type in your preferred name, then tap Save.

change nickname TikTok

Adam Birney / Android Authority


VIDEO: How To Change Name On TikTok - Full Guide

Navigate to your Profile and tap Edit Profile to change your TikTok username or nickname.

You can change your TikTok nickname anytime, but you can only change your username once every 30 days.

TikTok removed the ability to change your age to prevent young people from circumventing content and feature restrictions related to age. If you need your account age to be different, you’ll have to create a brand new account.


Article information

Author: Benjamin Lopez

Last Updated: 1704105841

Views: 821

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (33 voted)

Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Benjamin Lopez

Birthday: 1951-01-09

Address: 764 Natasha Mills, Rodriguezville, NY 14669

Phone: +4054923507604421

Job: Dentist

Hobby: Card Collecting, Photography, Fishing, Web Development, Dancing, Archery, Cross-Stitching

Introduction: My name is Benjamin Lopez, I am a tenacious, lively, steadfast, irreplaceable, welcoming, Determined, enterprising person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.